Tuesday, April 27, 2010

18 Month Pictures

Jack is 18 months old now. His vocabularly is ever expanding, he's got about 15 words that he cycles through. He loves to throw balls (and everything else) (all day long). He can run and is climbing on everything. He doesn't need help with the spoon anymore (yay .... although it does get messy).
We went and had Jack's 18 month pictures taken last weekend. For the first time in our portrait taking experience, he was NOT cooperative. The lady spent a while with us and did get a few. She said 18 months is the worst age for pictures because they don't want to sit still or pose for anything. So true!

Jack loves to wear his dad's beret. After Dave gets home from work, he brings Dave the beret to put on him "correctly." Of course, for the pictures he wanted nothing to do with it. We still managed to get a few pictures before he got it off.

I'm such a cool army dude

Hi :)
Jack is always playing with this football

He has a serious side too :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Etrade Baby Jack

People tells us all the time that Jack looks like the Etrade baby. Dave took a picture of Jack watching the etrade baby on TV. The picture looks almost like Jack is looking in the mirror. What do you think?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cherry Blossom Festival

I am a little slow on this post ..... but every year there is a Cherry Blossom Festival in DC. They try to time it with the week that the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom. Unforunately, this year they bloomed a little bit too early. My brother Chris came out for the weekend and ran the 10 mile race that is part of the festival. Since Chris's company sponsored the race, he was able to get Dave in too. I thought they ran rather well.
Dave and Chris at the finish line

Dave (blue shirt) at 5 miles

We found one tree still in bloom :) .... I love that you can see the reflection the Washington Monument in the water
Dave and Jack headed up to the Jefferson Memorial

There was a nice breeze blowing and you can see how crazy long Jack's hair was getting. We did finally cut it a few days ago :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

And then there were TWO??

We went to our 20-month ultrasound today. As soon as the ultra-sound tech started it looked like a sea of body parts and she said "Did you know you were having twins?". No, we did NOT know that. It was especially surprising considering I've already had two ultrasounds that only showed one baby.
So now, here we are, expecting twin boys. This means that I am going to have three boys under 2. I haven't really wrapped my mind around it yet. I'm pretty sure this is the biggest surprise of my life.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

I hope that everyone had a lovely Easter. It was an absolutely beautiful day in our area. We went to Church and then spent the day at Dave's brother's house. They have a big beautiful backyard that was perfect for an Easter egg hunt.

Dave helped Jack find an egg
Jack didn't want to look for other eggs. He would just take his egg back to the same spot and then "find" it again

Happy to hold a football and his egg

Jack's cousins are finding all the wonderful eggs while Jack walks around with his green egg

This is Jack with his cousin Peter's football. He was quite taken with it ... we noted that it looks like a giant egg

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Feeling Better

I'm feeling rather recovered these days. My mom came out for a month to take care of Jack (and me) while I was sick. Once I started feeling better, I went back to California with her for a visit. I got to take a lot of naps and recover while my parents played with Jack. The weather was amazing. My Dad took Jack on long walks everyday, and Jack can walk about half a mile now. I think that's pretty good for a 17 month old. Last weekend, Dave met us out in San Diego for a wedding. His parents watched Jack during the wedding which was nice. We had a great time and came back to some nice spring weather in DC. Yay!
Going on a walk around Balboa Island with Grandma and Grandpa Foss

Jack walking the dog with Nana and Grandpa Boland

This was the view of San Diego from the wedding we went to. It also shows my baby bump at 17 weeks :)

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.