Friday, October 29, 2010

Lots of Pictures

Here are some recent pictures of the boys.

I gave Tim a little mohawk the other day. As I was going to take a picture, Jack walked by and got Tim to smile!

My friend Danielle got an amazing picture of her daughter on the changing table. I gave it a try and Chris even flashed a half smile

My mom got Jack a sleeping bag that he didn't want anything to do with while she was here. Now he asks for it all the time. He calls it his "bed."

One of my favorite parts of this twin experience is watching the interaction between all the boys.It just fills my heart with joy to watch these guys together.

Can you guess who is who?

I had them in bed with me one morning. I went to change and when I came back they had snuggled into each other!

Jack with Tim ... Do you see how big the twins are getting!

Jack came over to play with Chris. I just started snapping because Jack usually runs away from the camera, so I didn't frame it well and missed that Jack is holding Chris's hand.

Jack talking to Tim


The Red Humor said...

Ok. Tell the truth. How do you tell them apart? I love the one of the Tim and Chris snuggling in bed. Sooo cute.

Kristen said...

So Cute!! And you're right, they are getting so big! And nope, can't tell them apart. I'm sure it's easier in person...or not! :)

Danielle said...

Thanks for the compliment, Amy! I love your pictures so much. Funny that you have the same changing pad, but in blue. I have it in pink and green. It's so soft. Your boys are just so sweet. I think Tim is on the left and Chris is on the right. How did I do?

P.S. You'll have to tell me how you get the comments in the same box as the pictures. It looks great and I'm new to blogger.

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.