Monday, March 15, 2010

A Boland Report - Special ReporT (2nd edition)

by Dave :)
(refresher - silent "t" in first "report", accentuated "T" in second)

In this edition, we answer the question "Where has Amy been?" Well, she's been spending the last 15 weeks conducting a lot of mitosis in her efforts to build a sibbling for Jack. In more simple terms, I get to proudly announce that Amy is pregnant and we are expecting to welcome Baby #2 sometime in early Septemeber (Amy is hoping for the 2nd, so that the baby will be born on 9/02/10 - i.e. 90210). We still have a little over a month until we find out if Jack will have a brother or a sister, but needless to say we're very excited.

As with the last pregnancy, Amy has been very sick for the past couple of months (thus the 8-week absence). But Jack has been taking good care of her.

Here he is reading to Mom. Everybody loves a good book.

Keeping Mom company with some good conversation.

Jack has even been helping out in the back scratching department. Amy has become so addicted to back scratching that I worry we might be violating some child labor laws.

Amy has been starting to feel much better over the past few days and should be back to regular blogging soon.

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.