Monday, August 30, 2010

Little Rock Star

Here is Jack jamming about football and hoho (cartoon monkey). I have no idea how to rotate the video ... does anyone else know?

Friday, August 20, 2010

4 Weeks?

I took this picture on my phone. I love these guys :). Is it possible that the twins are 4 weeks old as of yesterday? Dave went back to work this week. Taking care of my three boys is a lot of work, but things are going better than I excepted. I'm not feeling overwhelmed .... yet.

The photographer sent our proofs. This link is too a slide show she made if you are interested in seeing them all. I don't know how long she will leave it up.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Bye Bye NICU

The twins had to go 5 days in the NICU without an event. Once they able to eat on their own, it was a hard five days to wait because we were ready to bring them home!! We thought they were coming home on Monday morning, but the NICU doctor called on Sunday and told us we could come get them. That was a great surprise!
These little guys are so sweet, and Jack has been amazing with them. On the way home from the hospital he turned to Tim and said "you're mine." He talks to them, waves hi, gives them kisses, and asks to stand on a step stool so he can look over the pack n play to watch them sleep. I love it!
We had a photographer come to the house on Wednesday to do newborn pictures. She gave me one as a sneak peak that I put over on the side of the blog. I'm excited to see the rest.

Busting the twins out of the NICU!
We got these awesome coming home outfits from a seller on ebay. I have gotten so many nice complements!
These guys sleep A LOT
Jack helping Dad feed Chris

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.