Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Life with Twins

Being a twin mom is like being in a club. Everyone who has had twins or is a twin wants to come up and talk to me. It's pretty cool actually. People all say the same thing - you just have to make it through the first year/infancy. I can see why.

Baby dance party

Things that are hard for me:
1) Getting up all night with two babies (100 times harder than with one because you get no sleep)
2) Feeding two babies plus Jack and myself all day long - I know it will get better when all three boys can eat the same thing at the same time
3) Giving three kids seperate baths - it takes a long time to get everyone ready in the morning.

Things that are surprisingly easy:
1) Diapers - I am just in diaper changing mode and the extra baby doesn't seem to add that much
2) Leaving the house - it's not easy, but nothing like I thought it would be. We have been able to do things for a couple of hours at a time
3) Delivery - even though seven minutes apart sounds like a c-section, I did actually delivered them. I felt like superwoman afterwards, but really it wasn't all that different than Jack.

Then we have, the reward:

Getting a good picture of all three boys is not easy ... someone always starts crying, spitting up, or running away

Baby Tim

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Happily Ever After

I had a few days on my own after Dave's mother left and then my mom came to help out. My mom was here all last week and was a huge help (as always). She stayed through our anniversary so that Dave and I could go celebrate on our own. Yesterday (September 18th) was our 6 year wedding anniversary. We celebrated by going to 1789 (a french restaurant in Georgetown) and a moon light stroll around the monuments. It was a wonderful baby free celebration! Dave is a wonderful husband, and I'm so lucky to have been living happily ever after :).

All dressed up at 1789 Restaurant
I love the reflection
I'm on my own next week, but the week after that Dave is taking a week of leave (army speak for vacation). We are just going to stay around the house an enjoy our family.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sleep ...

I think the hardest thing about having a newborn (or two) is not sleeping at night. However, one of my favorite things about having a newborn is the best naps ever complete with a sweet little baby to sleep on my chest! Speaking of napping, I have been very lucky so far and the boys all go down for a nap at the same time in the afternoon.
Napping with Tim

Napping with Chris
Jack still sleeps on me sometimes too :)
The twins nap like this quite a bit ... Chris in the swing and Tim in the bouncer

I went in Jack's room the other day and found this .... way too cute!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2 Weeks with Nana

Dave's mother (aka Nana) has been with us for almost two weeks. She has been a huge help changing diapers, making meals, grocery shopping, and of course holding babies :). I've been able to take some good naps and get a lot of things done without having to worry about the kids!
I heard that preemies "wake up" around their due date. The twins are no exception because they spend a lot of time awake now :)
She has made a lot of wonderful home cooked meals. Jack was impressed!
I have been able to take Jack over to the park while Nana watches the twins. Jack goes down the slide all by himself.  I think Jack would live outside if I would let him.

We took Nana up to Baltimore one day. I think this is a good picture of our stroller - we call it the tank but it has been refered to as the twin train :) 

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.