Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fun and Packing

Dave was basically given three weeks to out process. He finished out processing in two days and since then we have had plenty of time to pack and to play. Although we have a lot of packing/cleaning up left, we are looking good with two days to go.
Despite all the packing, we have had time everyday to go see friends. We had meals out, a bbq, games, an art festival, and a bike ride.

My pizza friend Alyssa and I went to Pizza Hut for the last time. She has been a great friend and we've had lots of fun shopping, walking, talking, and pretty much anything else while the guys were at work (yes I took part of that straight from her blog hehe).

Dave and I went up to the Texas hill country for a long bike ride with our friends Janice and Justin. It was so much fun that I would never have known that we were in the middle of a move!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Funny Packing Moment

It's midnight and we have just finished packing all of our clothes in the closet and drawers (go us!)

Dave: OK, so all that's left is the bathroom, kitchen, and office?
Amy: and the baby's room
Dave: So just all the rooms left to go
Amy: Right.

I've been laughing for the last fifteen minutes. Is it just middle of the night funny?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Saying Good-Bye - Part 1

We leave for DC in one week. ONE WEEK!! We have been packing up, running errands, going to restaurants for the last time, and seeing friends for the last time.

This is my kitchen at the moment. It's all of our pictures, paintings, and vases that we didn't want sitting out in the garage.

Last weekend we went to my all time favorite breakfast place, the Guenther House, for the last time. Jack was with all of his grandparents, but this is a picture of my dad holding him. I think Jack looks like a little farmer :)

On Monday we had dinner with our friends Tim and Melissa for the last time. I forgot my camera, so this is just a picture of us at the graduation ceremony.

A highlight of Dave's internship was our weekly Thai dinners. We went every Thursday and thus called it "Thai Thursday." Tuesday we went for the last time. This is Cyrus, Nicole, Jamie (who was usually holding Jack), Amanda, Debi, Joe, Me, Dave, and Tim (different tim than above :>).

About Me

My photo
We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.