Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First Father's Day

We had a nice little celebration for Dave's first Father's Day last Sunday. I made a champagne brunch and then we went for a walk in the park by the Occoquan River. We found matching outfits for father and son. Everyone we saw at the park commented on how cute they looked together.

Jack was proud to be king of this stump

Thursday, June 18, 2009

8 Month Pictures and small Jack Update

Lately, I seem start every posts with a family picture, so why stop now. We went to Portrait Innovations on Sunday to do Jack's 8 month pictures. I was really happy with how they came out. I put two of them on the side of the blog to replace the newborn pictures.
Jack has been doing some fun new things. The most exciting of which is that he has started dancing to music and waving. He doesn't wave to mean "hello," it's more like "look at me" or "I want that" or probably some combination. He waves at Dave when he gets home, he waves at me if he wants to get picked up, and he waves at little babies or other people that he is interested in. He waves everytime he sees us making food for him or if we are feeding him to slowly he will wave like crazy. I think it's adorable.
Here are some (or a lot) of the pictures:
This is my favorite shirt of his, so I have to document it all the time
Hi, I'm so cute!

This is the duck that my brother Chris and his girlfriend Laura sent Jack. My brother had a duck like this when he was a baby.

Jack has finally started to enjoy bath time so we thought this was a great pictre to capture this age

Lots of smiles for mom over on the side

He can stand up with support now, and I think he looks cute (always)

Monday, June 15, 2009

This Past Week

On Saturday, Dave and I ventured up to the C&O Cannel bike trail. We did the first part of the trail - I would like to go back and do the next part of the trail because it goes by the Great Falls. I finally feel like I'm getting into shape. Not only was it my longest bike ride post pregnancy, it was also the first time that I felt like I could have kept going.

Part of the trail runs next to these water gates. The water gates we rode by are the very same water gates for which the Watergate Complex and Nixon's Watergate scandal are named after. It was really interesting to see a boat go through one.

I went to two special parties this past week. My friend Allison's baby shower and Andrew Doyle's 1st birthday party. I had a wonderful time at both of them.

I tried to get Jack to hit the pinata, but he wasn't interested. However, I was able to get him to wear a birthday hat and that was adorable.

These guys are cute little friends :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First DC Visitors

My parents came to visit this past week. We had a good time exploring DC and playing with Jack. The first thing we did was head up to the Smithsonian's American History Museum, the monuments, and the front of the White House. There were some real treasures at the American History Museum. My favorite was the American Flag that was flying when the british bombed Fort McHenry and Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner. They also had a really nice First Lady's Inaugural Gown exhibit, Lincoln's top hat, and Dave's favorite, the portrait Steven Colbert used to have in his show the Colbert Report.
We took my parents to the Officier's Club on Sunday for brunch and finally decided to become members. It is a pretty amazing club with a beautiful swimming pool, lap pool, and kiddy pool. I have already gone over a few times to swim laps while my parents watched Jack.
My Dad introduced Jack to a few things this week. After drinking his morning coffee, my Dad would give Jack the cup to play. Jack found some good entertainment there. My Dad also said that apple sauce was my favorite as a baby. I got some apple sauce and let my dad feed it to Jack. Wow. It was like crack for this baby. I think we found his new favorite food.

Dave and I got all dressed up and had a wonderful date night

This is the front of Mount Vernon (George Washington's House) and there is a spectucular view of the Potomac river from the back of the house. The grounds also have beautiful gardens, dirt paths, a dock with boat tours, and Washington's tomb.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Bike Ride

This season of 24 was set in Washington DC. Shortly after finding out that we would be moving to DC, 24 had an episode set at a bike path over looking the monuments. I have seen that path in quite a few movies as well, so on Saturday we headed over to check it out. It was a neat little bike ride through Lady Bird Johnson Park and then across the bridge to the monuments. There are a set of benches over looking the Washington Monument that people are always exchanging secret information at (on TV). I took this picture of Dave's brother because I thought he looked like some kind of informant, haha.
As it turns out, the DC area hosts many outdoor bike/running paths!! There is even a monster set of trails less than a mile from our house. I had no idea there would be so many out door things to do here! There are already about 10 places that I want to go check out.

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.