Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Jack is 4!

Our Jack is 4! I am so proud of Jack. For those of you who don't see him much, let me tell you what he is all about. He is a happy and super smart kid who has all the imagination in the world. When he isn't playing imaginary games with his toys, he is pretending to be some kind of animal (usually bird or dinosaur). Jack is a charmer. He talks to all kinds of people no matter what their age. He fearlessly walks right up and tells people about anything he did, saw, has in his hand, or learned about. Most people enjoy it because of his zest for life and astounding vocabulary. He loves music, books, dinosaurs, animals, going outside for any reason, shopping, strawberries, peaches, soda, Curious George, preschool, and his family. 3 was a magical age that I will miss so very much, but I have learned with each birthday brings new special things too.
We went to visit my parents to celebrate Jack's birthday. Some very special people joined us including my brother, his wife, our friends Bill & Kim, and the Lopez family. My mom also invited about half the town. We had a great time.

Birthday dinner at our all time favorite hibachi place - Yamatos

Jack picked out his own decorations

pretending to be a dinosaur

looking so interested at Grandpa

Chris in the cool tent my mom set up for the kids


my brother and his wife

I'm already starting to get the "are they triplets?" questions

Monday, October 1, 2012

Kate's Princess Room

If Kate had been first, or even second, her room would not have been painted pink. I know that much for sure. Pink, princesses, bows, and dresses are pretty much Kate's life. Those are all the things that I thought I was going to miss by not having a little girl, so I am all about bringing those into this house with full force!
We finished Kate's room and moved her in about three months ago. That's right, my room and my belly are a baby free zone! Here are some pictures

Here is my best attempt at the whole room

Some detail shots


lamp and newborn picture

bow holder - princess, bows, and pink all in one spot :)

About Me

My photo
We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.