Saturday, April 3, 2010

Feeling Better

I'm feeling rather recovered these days. My mom came out for a month to take care of Jack (and me) while I was sick. Once I started feeling better, I went back to California with her for a visit. I got to take a lot of naps and recover while my parents played with Jack. The weather was amazing. My Dad took Jack on long walks everyday, and Jack can walk about half a mile now. I think that's pretty good for a 17 month old. Last weekend, Dave met us out in San Diego for a wedding. His parents watched Jack during the wedding which was nice. We had a great time and came back to some nice spring weather in DC. Yay!
Going on a walk around Balboa Island with Grandma and Grandpa Foss

Jack walking the dog with Nana and Grandpa Boland

This was the view of San Diego from the wedding we went to. It also shows my baby bump at 17 weeks :)


Kristen said...

I'm glad you are feeling better!!! Call me whenever you get a chance to. I love how long Jack's hair is now! He's so cute!

Danielle said...

Yay! You look great and I love that dress. I'm so glad that you have so much support and love around you at this special time.

Bill said...

Great pictures Amy.

Kim and I are so glad that you're doing better.

The Carters said...

You look so nice:) I'm so excited that you have seen your family a lot lately and that you are feeling better. Jack is getting cuter and cuter!

A said...

aww Amy you look fantastic!! I love your baby bump. :)

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.