Tuesday, October 19, 2010

On My Own ...

Well this is it. Dave's mom was here, my mom has been going back and forth, and Dave took a total of 3 weeks off of work. All my family help has run out and I'm on my own for a while. I am very thankful to have a family that wanted to help me out so much. Dave has been really understanding and even let me hire a cleaning service. I'm a little embarrassed that I am not taking care of the house myself, but it is making a huge difference in my quality of life.
Things are starting to get a little more manageable. I don't know if it's because I'm starting to recover physically or if I'm just getting used to it all.
Here are some pictures of my mom with the kids.

It's always nice when my mom comes because Dave and I do something for ourselves. This visit we got tickets to the Colts v Redskins game. My mom watched all the kids and we went to the game with our friends Phil and Allison. We didn't get home until almost 2am. It was worth it though! We had a good time :)


The Fortenberrys said...

Hey Woman! There were a few times last year I had a cleaning service come and it was soooooo helpful. You do whatever you need to make this transition in life easier! You are superwoman!!! I'm so proud of you and thankful you've had the help you have had.

I've been meaning to write you back and when Andy goes back to work I totally will. :) Things are so crazy right now.

The Red Humor said...

Hello there! I have joined your site in order to keep better tract of the four beautiful boys of yours! Congrats on your family.... I just hope we can catch up soon.

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.