Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our Latest

The Latest:

Jack - knows all the letters and what sounds they make. He recognizes numbers 1-10 and can count to 10. When we read a book, he comprehends the story. I'll be reading to him and then he will stop me to tell me what happened in his own words. I can hardly believe how fast he is developing! Proud mom :)

Tim - has been responding to his name for about a month now. Other than that, he is all about physical development. When Tim is happy he kicks his legs all around with a closed mouth grin. He has been working on crawling for weeks by getting his legs underneath himself then rocking back and forth. Today he crawled!!! I was floored. My 7 month old preemie low crawled across the room.

Chris - just started responding to his name. He is more about verbal development. Tim has no babbling at all but Chris is babbling all day long. He loves to flash big open mouth smiles and squeak at people when they talk to him. I love it!

Dave - studying for the Orthopedic Clinical Specialist Exam. It's been six weeks of studying at night and most of the weekend. I had forgotten what it was like when Dave is studying. I just really hope he passes because it is a decent little pay raise and I don't want to have to do this again next year.

Me - Next week, I turn 30. We decided to spend my 30th birthday the same way I spent my 20th birthday ..... in Paris :). My parents came out to watch the kids and we leave tomorrow night. I'm excited!

This video is from a few days ago (before Tim crawled). You can see Tim (green pants) trying to crawl and Chris babbling away.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I hope Dave passes his exam!! I love the video of the boys and can't believe how smart Jack is! I'm also very jealous that you are going to Paris. ;) I hope you guys have a great time!

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.