Monday, March 28, 2011

Trip to San Antonio

Dave is doing a 9 week Army course in San Antonio. Less than a month before we left, they sent out an email with new dates for the course which were a week earlier than originally planned. I had forgotten how the Army can jerk you around. It meant that after we got back from Paris, we hit the ground running. We packed up and headed out to Tennessee where Dave caught a flight to San Antonio. The kids and I stayed in Tennesseee for a week. We saw our great friends Bill and Kim several times. My parents, brother & girlfriend Sarah, and my Aunt all came out to celebrate my mom's birthday. It was fun to have all those people together in one place. After that, my mom was nice enough to drive the rest of the way with me. Traveling with three kids is not easy, but we made it! San Antonio has been perfect so far. Our two bedroom apartment is awesome. I love the sunny and warm days, and the best part is that Dave gets off between 2 and 3:45 everyday!

Bill and Kim with the twins and good smiles from everyone!

Kim playing with the twins. She made us dinner twice! One night we watched American Idol after dinner. I fell asleep with Jack on my lap (yes that is embarassing). When I woke up, Bill and Kim had the twins and were feeding them bottles. How nice is that!!

Chris and Sarah with Tim. Tim loves the camera :)

My Aunt got to see the twins for the first time

Jack's most recent thing is for my dad to read him "Guess How Much I Love You." My dad read it to him about 15 times a day. He started trying to get Jack interested in side adventures from other pictures in the book.


Kristen said...

Yay for San Antonio!! Wish would could come see you guys! Love all the pictures of the boys. :)

Kristen said...

*Edit* Wish "we" could come see you guys. Not "would". Haha, it's too early for my brain to work!

Danielle said...

Love this, Amy! Are the twins crawling? They look like they are tummy pros, for sure. Abigail just started self-propelling this week. She's hilarious. Hope you're having more fun in Texas! Love from California to you and all your guys.

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.