Monday, June 13, 2011

Here Comes Baby #4

Yes, I am pregnant again and 15 weeks along already. I lived in denial for two months before I finally took a test and needed some time to adjust to the idea before announcing it to the world :). We had an ultra sound on Friday that showed only one baby. This pregnancy is going really well so far. Instead of being half dead and throwing up all the time, I'm fine. I only get sick about once a week. It is seriously a miracle because I have three other kids to take care of this time around.
He or she is expected to arrive at the beginning of December which means I will have 4 kids in a span of 37 months. Four kids in high school at the same time. Four kids in college at the same time. Four kids at home with me all day because they aren't in school yet. Even though I never would have picked this kind of crazy spacing, I love my kids and we still have fun together.


Kristen said...

That's so exciting! You're such a terrific mommy and I know your boys (and Dave of course) will help you out! I'm sure your life will get a little crazy but it will be filled with so much joy and love, even more so than now!! Congratulations Boland family!!!

Gina said...

You are amazing Amy! I read your post and thought how your cup is really spilling over with blessing. A little busy- but things have a way of being different than we ever imagined- and so much better at the same time. Do you have the ability to do Face Time? love you!

Anonymous said...

You'll be able to field an entire 4x4! Or 4x1, or DMR. You better start working on handoffs.

the fortenberrys said...

Congrats! We are due the same funny is that?! :) Glad you are feeling good!!

A said...

AMY! Wow, what a crazy and fun year you are having! Such a blessing. :) Hope you continue to feel well. I would love to finally get together again in July...maybe another pool playdate? Will be in touch soon!!

cole and ella's mom said...

Congratulations Amy! Glad that you are feeling good this pregnancy. All our best to you...

The Red Humor said...

wow! almost enough bolands for your own cross country team!

nanamom said...

One takes both parents full skipped two and went right to three which in my experience was the most difficult... left NO time for me because SOMEBODY was always awake and needing something 24/7 (TG for husbands!!)...after that...piece of cake!! Same meals..same laundry...etc and an older brother to help!!

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.