Friday, July 8, 2011

Half Way Home, Literally

July 8, 2011 means today Dave hit 10 years of active duty in the Army (half way to a military retirement). I'm probably one of the very few who cares about that kind of thing, but I am excited. It has been an eventful 10 years. Here is the short version: 5 years at Fort Campbell where we endured separation while I finished college, two 12 month deployments, got married, and bought our first house. 3 years at The Army Baylor physical therapy school where Dave got a Doctorate of Physical Therapy, I became Catholic, and we had our first child. 2 years at Fort Belvoir where began his physical therapy career, we had twins and now have another baby heading our way. 

If I'm being honest, I would have to admit that the Army is not my first choice of life paths. The two back to back deployments just weren't worth it. I also prefer the idea of staying in one place and that place being somewhere in Southern California. That being said, we have been very happy. Isn't that what really matters? I almost never complain because the Army has brought so many wonderful things into our lives!! Dave had college mostly and pt school totally paid for by the Army. We have always had job stability and a dependable pay check. We have lived in and experienced three completely different areas of the country. The best part has been the people. I have gotten to know some truly amazing people with completely different backgrounds. Besides all the joy and support friends give,  I have learned so much about how what kind of person, wife, and mother I want to be. I can't imagine that the next 10 years will be as eventful as the first, but it is exciting to see where the Army will take us next!


Kristen said...

Very true! Glad you guys are half way there. I'm looking forward to that day too!

the fortenberrys said...

I totally agree with you Amy! We are right there with you. We'll have our retirement celebrations at the same time :)

I still can't get over that we're having babies just days apart!

A said...

thanks for sharing, Amy. Congrats to you all for making it through the first half. Cheers to many more great times during the next stage. :)

The Carters said...

Hey Amy! I miss not seeing you and I'm so glad y'all were a part of our military journey. I love reading your blog:) God has done so much in your life the last 10 years. What an adventure! Oh and congrats on being pregnant. I did not read that blog entry till a week or so ago. Been very behind on blogging:( We just HAVE to get together in Baltimore before the baby comes. Let's text or email soon about sometime in September or October. Ok?

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.