Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pizza Night

Last year my friend Jamie introduced me to the Twilight movie. I loved it and want to see the next one in the series. Since Dave hadn't seen it, we rented it last night. We used Red Box for the first time. I think we are the last people to start using Red Box, but if you haven't, it is awesome and only costs $1. Well what goes better with a movie than pizza? We picked up the movie and headed over to Pizza Hut.
The pizza came with one little tiny slice of pizza among the pizza pie. It was meant to be for Jack's first piece of pizza. He was so cute!!! He picked off every piece of sausage and then ate the pizza. Dave got this sweet shot with the camera on his phone.
It's nights like this one that make me realize it won't matter if we are stationed some where we like as much as Fort Belvoir. We will have a good time together any where.


Kristen said...

How fun! Brian doesn't have any desire to watch Twilight. He just doesn't get it! :) At first I was like that too...Vampires...I mean come on!! But my friend made me read the first book and I read through the entire series in like a week!!! I can't wait to go see the new movie!!


Yay, I love that y'all are both Twilight fans. You should read the first book Amy, just to see what you think. They are SOOO addictive you won't even believe it! Have a blast watching the second one, and Jack is super cute eating his first slice!

The Carters said...

Very cute! Abigail loves pizza too:) I have not seen the second movie yet. I did not want to fight the crowds this past weekend. Nick never saw the first one so I'm not sure who will see it with me. I have not read the books but have three friends who did. I really enjoyed the movie!

Bill said...

Pizza Hut? There's no Mom & Pop pizza joints there?

Jack looks adorable eating his pizza!

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.