Friday, November 27, 2009


I love Thanksgiving because you get to think about how wonderful life is and sit down to a home cooked meal with family and/or friends. I have so very much to be thankful for this year. I have a wonderful husband and son who fill my heart with joy each and everyday. I am always thankful for all of my friends and extended family who enrich our lives. I am thankful for the absolutely beautiful fall we had here with perfect fall weather and tons of trees to enjoy colored leaves. I am thankful that Dave has a job he loves but also one that doesn't make demands on his time outside of normal working hours. Since passing his licensing exam in August, I am thankful for the complete peace we now have in our lives. We have absolutely nothing going on or coming up. It's been a long long time and I treasure these moments of not having 100 things running through my head.
My first attempts at pumpkin pie (crust from scratch but pumpkin out of a can) and corn bread from scratch
He loves to help
28 lbs of Thanksgiving goodness (courtesy of my sister in law)
Dinner with Jay, Susie, and kids
My little turkey had a big day
AND NOW IT'S TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Riann said...

I absolutely love the last picture! Jack looks beat after a fun Thanksgiving day (perfect shirt, by the way) and Dave looks so content and peaceful just lying with his son. Precious.

the fortenberrys said...


I loved your first paragraph and am so happy you are just able to enjoy life right now and not have a ton going through your head. I hope I will be able to join you in that soon. It looks like your Thanksgiving was perfect and I hope your pies were as yummy as they looked!

Love you,

Kristen said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of good food and tons of fun!! You can tell by that last picture that Jack enjoyed himself!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Danielle said...

Beautiful post, Amy.

Gina said...

Amy- This inspires me to really pause and think about the good stuff right now. Thanks for shairing- it sounds like a sweet time for you and your family. Seeing you in your kitchen with the homemade pies also made me miss you like non other...

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.