Thursday, January 22, 2009

Favorite Shows

In 2005 and 2006, I would have told you that American Idol was my favorite show. In 2007 and 2008, I would have told you that LOST was my favorite show. While I was pregnant, Dave and I watched the first 6 seasons of 24 on dvd. I was stuck on the couch and it was something fun to do. I loved it, but I don't think that I would have said it was better than LOST. All three shows have started back up now (yay). In 2009, I have to say that 24 is now my favorite show. This season is really good so far!
Alias and Friends (and Dave will yell at me if I don't admit to 90210) are still my all time favorites - but AI, 24, and LOST are way up there!
OK and what is up with shows only running in the spring now? I hate that!!! It works for American Idol, but the others have no excuse! Maybe 24 does have the excuse of only being able to air 24 episodes ..... hehe


the fortenberrys said...

I'm am so excited too but what is up with the spring shows! There isn't much to watch in the fall. I agree, 24 has been awesome. AI is just interesting, especially this year. Can't wait for LOST tonight. Hope you guys have a great night.

Gina said...

Amy you're so funny haha. And I'm so glad you included your 90210 in there. (I won't mention the other one you used to tape so you could watch after school.)hrrm.

The Carters said...

I have been meaning to call you when Idol started but I figured I would wait till after Hollywood! I think there are many reasons why all the shows are during this time of year. It is cold and more people are inside watching TV:) There is no football on FOX and no soccer or football games for the parents to be at for their kids. So we just get stuck with everything being on all at once!:-P

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.