Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sleeping Baby

Today I was wondering - is everyone as fascinated with their baby sleeping as I am? I know Dave is because he always wants to take pictures of Jack sleeping. These pictures can't even capture how sweet it looks in person. He is so peaceful and it makes my heart melt just to watch him. Sleeping baby also means I can actually do a few things for myself. I do like that too hehe.

I also have a small update - Jack has started grabbing onto things. Usually blankets or my hair, but yesterday he moved a rattle. We were pretty excited about that :)


Anonymous said...

What a perfectly happy and content little guy. I love that he looks just like Mama!

The Carters said...

I love that second picture of Jack under the blanket:)

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.