Monday, May 18, 2009

Jack is 7 months old

Jack has been doing a lot in the last month. The most exciting thing is that he has started crawling!!! I love watching him explore. It's still the low crawl, but he is also working towards being up on his hands and knees. He doesn't really come to me or Dave very much, he is much more interested in exploring the house or a toy. Right now his favorite thing is my running shoes.

Jack is also able to sit up on his own if i put him in the sitting position. He won't get up there yet, but he'll stay that way if i put him down. He LOVES to sit in a high chair and shopping cart. I don't even have to entertain him because he just loves to look around and swing his feet and wave his arms. It's so much fun for us!!
Jack has also been meeting lots of other kids. He has three cousins here who have taken quite well to him. Then we have baby Andrew Doyle who is four months older than Jack. I have also met two other moms through friends here who have baby boys within two weeks of Jack. I am very happy that Jack gets to interact with other kids so much. Jack loves it too!

This is Jack with Andrew

Here are the Boland boys - Jack and his cousin Peter :)


the fortenberrys said...

I can't believe Jack is seven months old, Amy. Where did the time go?

Kristen said...

I can't believe Jack is 7 months old either!!! They grow up so fast!! I'm glad he'll have a lot of friends to grow up with and play with!

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.