Friday, May 15, 2009

Settling in ...... or not

In the past month, we have done a lot of moving in, a lot of seeing friends, a lot of seeing sights, and a lot of not having internet.
Moving in has been a difficult process. At this point, our bedrooms, living room, and kitchen are completely moved into. The day after we moved in, the hose on the back of the washing machine broke off and flooded what will be our office area. On top of all that, we had a huge fight with verizon about getting our internet installed. It has made it impossible to completely move in, so we are just going off and having fun instead :)
We have already been to the National Mall twice, the Natural History Museum, Arlington National Cemetery, and biking on the Mount Vernon trail (I am going to love bike riding here). There are so many more places to go see and the best part is that they are all completely free.
In addition to the sights of DC, we have been able to spend lots of time with friends. Our friends Phil and Alison live down the street and we walk over to each other's houses all the time. It makes me happy to be living in this neighborhood. We have seen some sights with the Doyle family and the Desert Bolands (Dave's brother's family), and we have been to a few bbqs where we met some new people.
I'll post a Jack update tomorrow :)

We went up to the Natural History Museum to see these dinosaur bones. It also turned out that the Hope Diamond is there. Both the diamond and the bones were really big.

Here we are at the new WWII monument. I love it!

Dave and Jack heading over to the Vietnam War Memorial. Isn't the National Mall gorgeous?

We get to live here!!!!!!


The Carters said...

So glad you are closer to us! There is just so much to see and do in DC:) I can't wait to see y'all this summer.

Ryan said...

Great pics! I saw the Hope Diamond when I was there -- pretty rad. It also looked hard to steal.

The Fortenberrys said...

I love the pictures and Jack looks like he doesn't even miss San Antonio. :> Miss you guys.

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.