Saturday, November 6, 2010

Swim Meet and Future Runner!

They have a competition on post called the Commanders Cup. Dave ran in the 5k last fall. They had a swim meet last week and Dave thought he would give it a try. I actually think he did really well. He got 5th and 6th in a few of the events he was in. These people were real swimmers, so 5th and 6th meant last place. I still think it's cool because he scored points!
Dave is in lane 5 which makes him the farthest swimmer to the right

These girls came over and wanted to help me take care of the boys. They fed the twins and chased Jack around while I supervised. Pretty sweet deal for me.
As you might be able to tell, Jack is all about sports, but hadn't discovered running until now. While we were at the swim meet, some kids were running races in the park. They would yell "set. go." Jack went over and race with them. They were like 10 years old and he couldn't keep up, but it was cute to watch. Now he goes around getting into his version of a track start and saying "set. go." Here is a little video of my future runner!


A said...

Oh my, that video is too funny! Jack is really growing up. I really want to meet the new babies (and hang out with you of course) ;) so let me know when is a good time for you!

Kristen said...

Go Dave! Pretty sure Brian would just sink to the bottom of the pool. :) I also love the video of Jack. I still don't think he should be old enough to talk though! Wow, do they grow up fast or what?!?!

The Carters said...

Too funny! I have similar footage of Abigail from last week. She was trying to imitate what the football players were doing on TV. I gave her a mini football and she bent over, said go and started to run. Too cute! I will have to try to put it on our blog for you to see.

Danielle said...

I love Jack's little voice. Go Dave! Challenge those swimmers to a post-swim-run while you are at it.

About Me

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We are a military family. We like to run, play games, travel, eat pizza, and watch movies.